About O.C. Archive:

We are a multidisciplinary Studio based in Barcelona, focused on fine jewelry and influenced by art, architecture, design and all the contemporary creative practices; open to collaborate with other authors and explore brand synergies.

Since 2012 we curate the OC Archive, an interdisciplinary digital archive focusing on design, photography, architecture, fashion or any movement related to culture and art; everything that gets involved in a creative process. Here you will find those projects and their authors that shape our world and somehow define our way of thinking.

OC Archive was created with an academic intention. Our objective is to preserve, grow and divulge the Archive in the most accurate way and continue searching for emerging and consolidated creators. We strongly believe in the interrelations among different disciplines and the need to properly display the interaction between authors and projects from different areas.

We aim to contact the published authors and explore possibilities to collaborate. If you are an author featured in the OC Archive and want to share any thoughts please contact us.

We publish with liberty, without judgement. OC Archive is not responsible for the views of the Authors. The property of the photos are of their authors. The reproduction is only allowed by the permission of the authors.

O.C. Editions:
As a result of our search, we developed the Obsessive Collectors Editions, our own product exercises; focusing on day-to-day pieces, an exercise to rethink and contemporaneize standardized forms.