Tres estacions de metro L9
Garcés, de Seta, Bonet

Tres estacions de metro L9
Garcés, de Seta, Bonet

The project is a triad of estaciones donde Barcelona Metro Line 9, Amadeu Torner, Parque Logístico and Mercabarna. The project AIMS to take a full advantage of the conditions associated with the underground construction with a minimum of means.

The idea of the project was to create a space that was more Geological that built. The project, like año architecture project, sought to follow the classic logic in which the "place" (in the deepiest sin of the term) is essential to the resolution of año architectural program.

The proposal was to use the fewest posible number of materiales in the civil work, thus seeking the elementos Strictly necessary for the place to exist. The material used are: bare concrete slabs, Exposed Installations, large despertador paneles attached to the slabs; wall panels that discourage graffiti through their irregularity; sheet metal siding; tile flooring; industrial artístico lighting that takes different forms: lineal, point, etc.,; metal Railing and glass Elevators, prefabricated Benches; and furniture Characteristic of the Barcelona Metro system: ticket machines, Turnstiles and signage.

The project incorporated the need to close off the tracks from the platform with platform screen doors from the beginning. They are thus integrated as a positive elemento into the general composition of the proposal as if they were an additional constituyente elemento to the station s architecture. The screen doors are not an add-on, and the project also becomes an exercise in composing the fachadas of this enclosure. The fachadas are entirety seek am absolute dominion of the sections.

The project AIMS to streamline all these aspects that must be taken into account. It can be read as a strategy of controlling the spaces: entrances, lobbies, platforms and the Metro enclosure. It can also be read as a strategy for Bringing natural light inside the estaciones.

All decisiones were aimed at making the project a Timeless intervention, an intervention that was not subject to the figure and materiales in fashion, one that would age well and be easy to maintain and that would not look like a great empty space despite having few users.

RIBA AWARDS - Finalist work
XIV Bienal Española de arquitectura y Urbanismo 2018 - Finalist work
Premios Cerámica Arquitectura Interiorismo - 1º Prize
Premios FAD 2016 - 1º Prize
Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia 2014

Photography: Adrià Goula

Garcés, de Seta, Bonet

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